Blue flowers are always my favorite, I always dream I wish I could have an all blue theme garden using only blue flowers or mostly blue flowers. But true blue is a relatively rare color among flowers, especially it is difficult to find pretty cool blue colour flowers in Singapore…Most of the flowering plants here in local are in red, pink, yellow, orange…Bright and warm, the colour of the topical island.
I have planted Petunia before, but blue petunia plants didn’t survive long, I tried planting petunia, those with purple flowers and pink flowers petunia can survive for two to three years, have many round of pretty bloom, but not the blue petunia…
Another type of blue flower we can find here is Hydrangea, they are sold in local flower shop by stock, one of the most expensive cut flowers, but they are grown in most of the garden in Australia….Blue iris is another one have stunning cool blue flowers, my most favorite flower arrangement is designed with blur iris. It is pretty enough to display a bunch of blue iris in a clear glass vase.
Some other blue flowers ? I am looking forward to see more blue flowers, leave a link in the comment if you have some blue flowers to share…Here are some of my blue flowers, picture taken during the trip to Europe, blue flowers everywhere along the street…

PS, by the way any one know the name of the hanging blue flowers and the potted one beside it?
beautiful bounty of floral goodness
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
I think the hanging ones are lobellia and the potted one lupins??
Lovely collection.
ABC Team
I love blue flowers too and this is a wonderful collection.
Blue flowers are wonderful. I love your collection! great choices.
And thanks for your kind comments on my blog.
B is for blooms
I love the flowers. I sure hope to grow some blue ones myself.
Thanks for joining! See you next week.
ABC Wednesday Team
I love blue flowers too. Your pansies are one of my favorites. Nice post for B.
Beautiful collection of B's. There is something special about the blues.
In New Zealand, we call the top photo Pansies, and are adopted by a certain group of people.
The one next to the hanging basket, here is is called lupins. The are Alpine flowers and grow in the mountains.
Gorgeous. Thanks for following me. I returned the follow :)
@Paisley Passions
Greetings from Malaysia! :) I think it got to do with our weather..I love petunias as well but once it arrives home, it lasts for only a couple of days... :( I never succeed with petunias..
Gorgeous blue flowers! there's one blue flower I know of, it's the butterfly pea flowers. Not something you can find in the parks here but mostly in personal gardens or herb gardens. The flowers is known to the Peranakans and Malays as the bunga telang,and used in tradional nyonya kue for the blue colour.
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