Saturday, October 31, 2009

Pink Saturday-Pink Trumpet Vine

Pink Trumpet Vine     Pink Trumpet Vine Phryganocydia corymbosa, Common name: trinidad pink trumper vine flowers. The Phryganocydia corymbosa vine is native to South America but has been trained to grow on a trellis in Singapore.
For other pretty pinky stuffs, drop by How Sweet the Sound hosted by Miss Beverly. Enjoy Pink Saturday ad wish your life full of pinky romantic mood.


Claudia said...

Absolutely beautiful! I love trumpet vine. Happy Pink Saturday!

Char said...

The trumpet flower is gorgeous. I love the color and you photographed it perfectly, Happy Pink Saturday, Char

Mary Bergfeld said...

Paula, the trumpet vine is gorgeous. I hope you had a wonderful Pink Saturday.

Charo said...

It's so beautiful.
Happy Pink Saturday!!!