Wednesday, November 30, 2011

ABC Wednesday- T for Tecoma

Tecoma capensis, commonly known as Cape Honeysuckle, is a scrambling shrub which is native to Africa. It grows to about 2 to 3 metres in height and a similar width. Flowers colour ranges vary from red, orange, deep orange, yellow to salmon, grouped in terminal clusters that are 4–6 in (10–15 cm) long.

Linking to ABC Wednesday


photowannabe said...

I love the fragrance of honeysuckle but its so invasive.
Once it got started in my garden it took over everything.
Nice shots too.

The Poet said...

Love the color.
Beautiful shot!
Thanks for sharing.

A Trembling Flower And You

MaR said...

And I have one in my garden!!
I love this plant.

T is for...

J.Rylie.C said...

That's a beau-T!

School's Thanksgiving Feast

Roger Owen Green said...

pretty, though I'd never heard the TERM before.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Anna said...

Tecoma is not a plant that we come across here - it looks most attractive :)

Jama said...

They are so beautiful!

lotusleaf said...

I have this plant too, and am constantly struggling with it:(

Gattina said...

The flower looks beautiful, but I am not a specialist in flower's names ;) !

ABC Team