Sunday, October 18, 2009

Today’s Flowers-tabernaemontana

RIMG0009 Fragrant white flowers. There are single or double petals. All belong to Apocynaceae family. Single petal flowers also known as Pinwheel Jasmine, Carnation of India Scientific name: Tabernaemontana Dvaricata.
Double petal flowers is Tabernaemontana Corymbosa, also known as Crepe Jasmine. Flore Pleno.RIMG0008
  Many thanks to the TF folks: Santilli, Denise, Pupo and Valkyrien for hosting this weekly and lovely event!


Abatevintage said...

The pictures are so wonderful. What a great way to start off a Sunday morning.


Scott & Liz said...

And the fragrance is to die for. Great images.

Mary Delle LeBeau said...

Beautiful plant. The blossoms look so fragrant.

Flowers said...

What an incredible blossom. I am not at all familiar with this plant, but it sounds like one I would like to get to know better.

quilly said...

In Hawaii we call the Jasmine flowers Pikake. Whatever they are called, they smell lovely.

It is very difficult to take good photos of white flowers. You will find you get much better results if you film them in early morning or late evening light - and don't use flash!